Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Driveways going in

First let's start with painting. We started painting the sewing room this weekend, but got interrupted by the tile guys. No picture yet of the tile. So, we decided to start painting the study. Got that done but no pictures yet. We were going to do some faux finishing but couldn't get it exactly right so just stopped. We will get back to the sewing room tomorrow since the tile guys have grouted the hallway and it should be ready to walk on tomorrow.

We got the driveways laid out on Monday and by today they already had most of the forms in and the aggregate for the concrete in place, except for the motorhome drive. They will have to take out some trees there first.

We also decided to have a patio poured while they were pouring so this is the layout. It will go around the tree with a well for the tree. We are having Ochre put into the concrete so it will be a goldish tan color. They won't be pouring anything until next Wed because they have to have a special truck for pouring colored concrete!! Whatever.
They actually had this part finished yesterday afternoon while we were painting. The ony water faucet is next to the drive so when we went out to wash up our paint stuff, we were surprised to find this. They really don't waste any time here!

We are having a driveway across the front corner of the lot and this is from the front of the house. They are still in the process of leveling the aggregate and now putting in the sideway forms.

The above shot is of the driveway entering the side street. I'm not sure the length of this drive, but would guess at least 130 feet.
We are having a curved sidewalk and they are discussing how to put the "s" shape into the walkway. The workers are very helpful and friendly. Great group of guys.

Tomorrow we will get pictures of the tile and hopefully a painted sewing room.
Oh, it was 100 deg today!
Not even Aug yet!

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